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Publicaciones Científicas 2019


Fernandez, E., Cuneo, I.F., Luedeling, E. et al. (2019) Starch and hexoses concentrations as physiological markers in dormancy progression of sweet cherry twigs. Trees 33, 1187–1201.


Urrestarazu M, Gallegos-Cedillo VM, Ferrón-Carrillo F, Guil-Guerrero JL, Lao MT, Álvaro JE (2019) Effects of the electrical conductivity of a soilless culture system on gamma linolenic acid levels in borage seed oil. PLoS ONE 14(2): e0207106. 

Rodríguez, F., Pedreschi, R., Fuentealba, C.,  De Kartzow, A.,  Olaeta., Álvaro, J.E. (2019) The increase in electrical conductivity of nutrient solution enhances compositional and sensory properties of tomato fruit cv. Patrón. Scientia Horticulturae, Volume 244, Pages 388-398, ISSN 0304-4238.

De la Cuadra, Carlos., Vidal, K., Lagomarsino, F., Peñaloza, P., Mansur, L.,& Huenchuleo, C. (2019). Effect of temperature and scarification on seed germination of Conanthera spp. (Tecophilaeaceae). Chilean journal of agricultural research, 79(2), 323-329.


Herrera, H., Barros-Parada, W., Bergmann, J. (2019). Linoleic acid and stearic acid are biosynthetic precursors of (7Z,10Z)-7,10-hexadecadienal, the major component of the sex pheromone of Chilecomadia valdiviana (Lepidoptera: Cossidae). PLOS ONE 14(4): e0215769. 

Morales, J., Besoain, X., Cuneo, I. F., Larach, A., Alvarado, L., Cáceres-Mella, A., & Saa, S. (2019). Impact of Nitrogen Fertilization on Phytophthora cinnamomi Root-related Damage in Juglans regia Saplings, HortScience horts, 54(12), 2188-2194. 

Montenegro I, Mellado M, Russo A, Said B, Besoain X, Godoy P, Werner E, Caro N, Madrid A. (2019) Carveoylphenols and Their Antifungal Potential against Pathogenic Yeasts. Antibiotics. 8(4):185. 

Besoain. X, Guajardo. J, Larach. A, Riquelme. N, Gálvez. E, Tapia, L Alvarado, Saratscheff, T and Celis-Diez, J.L (2019) First Report of Diplodia seriata Causing Gummy Canker in Araucaria araucana Wild Populations in South-Central Chile. Plant Disease 103:10, 2684

Valenzuela, M., Méndez, V., Montenegro, I., Besoain, X. and Seeger, M. (2019), Streptomycin resistance in Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis strains from Chile is related to an rpsL gene mutation. Plant Pathol, 68: 426-433. 

Guajardo, J., Saa, S., Riquelme, N., Browne, G.,  Youlton, C., Castro, M. & Besoain, X. (2019) Characterization of Oomycete Species Associated With Root and Crown Rot of English Walnut in Chile. Plant Disease 2019 103:4, 691-696

Morales, J., Besoain, X., Cuneo, I. F., Larach, A., Alvarado, L., Cáceres-Mella, A., & Saa, S. (2019). Impact of Nitrogen Fertilization on Phytophthora cinnamomi Root-related Damage in Juglans regia Saplings. HortScience horts, 54(12), 2188-2194. 


Fabrikov, D., Guil-Guerrero, J.L., González-Fernández, M., Rodríguez-García, I., Gómez-Mercado, F., Urrestarazu, M., Lao, M., Rincón-Cervera, M.,  Álvaro, J.E.,  Lyashenko, S. (2019) Borage oil: Tocopherols, sterols and squalene in farmed and endemic-wild Borago species. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. Volume 83.

Pedreschi, R.,  Uarrota, V., Fuentealba, C.,  Álvaro, J.E., Olmedo, P., Defilippi, B., Meneses, C., Campos-Vargas, R. (2019) Primary Metabolism in Avocado Fruit. Frontiers. Plant Science. VOLUME 10. PAGES 795. 

Fuentes, L., Figueroa, C. R., Valdenegro, M., & Vinet, R. (2019). Patagonian Berries: Healthy Potential and the Path to Becoming Functional Foods. Foods, 8(8), 289.

Fuentes, L., Figueroa, C. R., & Valdenegro, M. (2019). Recent Advances in Hormonal Regulation and Cross-Talk during Non-Climacteric Fruit Development and Ripening. Horticulturae, 5(2), 45.

Bernales, M., Monsalve, L., Ayala-Raso, A., Valdenegro, M., Martínez, J., Travisany, D., Defilippi, B., González-Agüero, M.,  Cherian, S., Fuentes, L. (2019) Expression of two indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)-amido synthetase (GH3) genes during fruit development of raspberry (Rubus idaeus Heritage). Scientia Horticulturae,Volume 246, 2019, Pages 168-175.

Carrasco-Valenzuela, T., Muñoz-Espinoza, C., Riveros, A., Pedreschi, R., Arús, P., Campos-Vargas, R., Meneses, Claudio. (2019) Expression QTL (eQTLs) Analyses Reveal Candidate Genes Associated With Fruit Flesh Softening Rate in Peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch]. Frontiers in Plant Science. Vol. 10. 

Gavicho Uarrota V, Fuentealba C, Hernández I, Defilippi-Bruzzone B, Meneses C, Campos-Vargas R, Lurie S, Hertog M, Carpentier S, Poblete-Echeverría C, Pedreschi R. (2019) Integration of proteomics and metabolomics data of early and middle season Hass avocados under heat treatment. Food Chemistry. 

Campos, D., Aguilar‐Galvez, A., García‐Ríos, D., Chirinos, R., Limaymanta, E. and Pedreschi, R. (2019), Postharvest storage and cooking techniques affect the stability of glucosinolates and myrosinase activity of Andean mashua tubers (Tropaeolum tuberosum). International Journey of Food Science and Technology. 54: 2387-2395

Ranilla LG, Huamán-Alvino C, Flores-Báez O, Aquino-Méndez EM, Chirinos R, Campos D, Sevilla R, Fuentealba C, Pedreschi R, Sarkar D, Shetty K. (2019) Evaluation of phenolic antioxidant-linked in vitro bioactivity of Peruvian corn (Zea mays L.) diversity targeting for potential management of hyperglycemia and obesity. International Journey of Food Science and Technology. 

Garcia-Mazcorro JF, Pedreschi R, Yuan J, Kawas JR, Chew B, et al. (2019) Apple consumption is associated with a distinctive microbiota, proteomics and metabolomics profile in the gut of Dawley Sprague rats fed a high-fat diet. PLOS ONE 14(3).

Vergara-Pulgar, C., Rothkegel, K., González-Agüero, M., Pedreschi, R., Campos-Vargas, R., Defilippi, B. & Meneses, C. (2019) De novo assembly of Persea americana cv. ‘Hass’ transcriptome during fruit development. BMC Genomics 20, 108.


Padilla-Medina, J., Contreras-Medina, L., Gavilán, M., Millan-Almaraz, J.,  Alvaro, J.E., (2019) Sensors in Precision Agriculture for the Monitoring of Plant Development and Improvement of Food Production. Journal of Sensors, vol. 2019, Article ID 7138720, 2 pages.

Bazzi, C & Schenatto, K. & Upadhyaya, S.D. & Rojo, F & Kizer, E & Ko-Madden, C. (2019). Optimal placement of proximal sensors for precision irrigation in tree crops. Precision Agriculture. 1. 1-12. 10.1007/s11119-018-9604-3.

Bazzi, C & Schenatto, K & Upadhyaya, S.D. & Rojo, F & Kizer, E & Ko-Madden, C. (2019). Optimal placement of proximal sensors for precision irrigation in tree crops. Precision Agriculture.

Dhillon, R., Rojo, F., Upadhyaya, S.K. et al. (2019) Prediction of plant water status in almond and walnut trees using a continuous leaf monitoring system. Precision Agric 20, 723–745.


Olguín, P., De Kartzow, A., & Huenchuleo, C. (2019). Sustainability of Quinoa in Rainfed Agricultural Systems: A Case Study on the O'Higgins Region, Chile. Ciencia e investigación agraria, 46(2), 197-207. 

Gaitán-Cremaschi, D., Klerkx, L., Duncan, J., Trienekens, J., Huenchuleo, C., Dogliotti, S., Contesse, M. & Rossing, W. (2019) Characterizing diversity of food systems in view of sustainability transitions. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development.. 39, 1